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Unreal Tournament 3 steht schon in den Startlchern und wird bald zu erwerben sein also ist es sinnvoll an dieser Stelle noch einmal kurz an
Ut2k4 zu denken.
Und wie knnte man sich besser sich von dem "alten" UT Titel zu verabschieden als durch ein
UT2k4-Fragmovie in alter Manier,
erstellt von
Hier mal ein
Statement von
Chronix zu seinem movie, allerdings in englischer Sprache:
Hey Guys,
i finally finished my third and last UT2k4 fragmovie. Indeed i know 311 MB for a movie which has a duration of five minutes is quite much but i am not very good at compressing videos.
I am not able to compress it with the x264 codec because i don't have any idea how it works. For sure i am very sorry but i don't want to see a low quality pixelmovie caused by wrong compression.
Furthermore I also tried to do something special with a lot of action and not somekind of slowmotion "be asleep" movie.
Now let's give it a try and download my movie. It would be very nice to get REAL feedback.
To my mind it's now time to say: Goodbye UT2004!
Den Downloadlink fr sein neues movie
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